— On The Nature of Things, Lucretius

This mental nature, therefore, or compound intellectual substance, is contained in every body, and is itself the guardian of the body, and the cause of its safety; for the two, the body and the soul, cohere, as it were, by common roots, with one another, nor seem capable of being torn asunder without destruction of both. For as it is impossible to separate the perfume from balls of frankincense, without the nature of it, at the same time, being destroyed, so it is impossible to extract the nature or substance of the mind and soul from the whole body, without all parts being dissolved…


Let’s kiss like real people do

forget the conspiracy

to keep me away

from you.

Let’s lay out a blanket smooth

on the ground I surrender

put your sweet lips on mine soft.

Weeping willows shade

a lush new green grass below

the patchwork quilt will protect

our bodies entwined.

The moisture from the valley

cools the heat between


streets carrying the eyes of

